



Biofruts Sas is a company inspired by the love, respect and field propagation, with the final
purpose to offer diversity of natural fruit pulps and its derivatives, product of the fruits produced
and colected by the hands of our farmers in the whole Colombian territory and who has the
support and agro-industrial tracking by the ministry of public health and also approved by the ICA
(Agricultural Colombian Institute), whom with their experience, suitability and quality control
preserve its characteristics and natural propierties to become a healthy option in the daily feeding
of thousands of people around the world.

We sopport our production process conducting a microbiological analysis to every single lot of fruit
produced, with accredited, legal and certified laboratories whitch enables us to guarantee the safety
of our product. Our processing plant is strategically in the Capital city of the country and it possesses
a high production capacity along with a large and secure storage room which guarantees the
conservation of our products and continous production and availability for exporting in order to offer
compliance to contracs and production, also it allow us to have access to main roads along with port
of entries in the country.


Is to be the best well known recognize producer
of fresh fruits and pulps within our country
providing quality in our products. We are overseeing
our company to be exporting our products to big
markets abroad and entering to big surfaces.


To be a company recognize for its excellent quality
products and processes which main purpose is to
satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients.


FLAVOR: Excellence.
SAFETY: Safety in our processes.
QUALITY: Fulfillment of the expectations of our clients.
WELLNESS: Feeling of satisfaction.